Shirt: Aeropostale/ Dress: Thrifted/ Belt: Vintage/Shoes: DSW
This outfit was one of those that I threw together on a whim, kept in the back of my mind, but was 99% sure that it wasn't going to work out. A strapless dress over a shirt? Eh...I don't know. I like the idea in theory, but there's a big difference in how I imagine theoretical outfits and what the actual outfit ends up looking like. I'm actually really happy with how this outfit turned out, mostly because it's very summer-y to me. It's the first summer outfit of this year for me, and I like to think that it's a reminder that summer is just around the corner. Or at least I think it's pretty close. I've honestly lost track, what with projects and tests piling up in the near future. But if I can't have summer now, at least I'll have summer outfits.
Oh and what about Music Monday, you ask? Well, as Blythe is sick today, I'm in charge of the music selection! Mwahahaha!
As you guys know, Blythe and I have very different musical tastes, so I wanted to pick something that is very me and is a good example of my musical tastes. Honestly, though, I was a bit stuck trying to think of a good song for you all. So I decided to go with the song that's been in my head today. It's an amazing song. And it has a really pretty music video: perfect for a Monday. So enjoy:
As you guys know, Blythe and I have very different musical tastes, so I wanted to pick something that is very me and is a good example of my musical tastes. Honestly, though, I was a bit stuck trying to think of a good song for you all. So I decided to go with the song that's been in my head today. It's an amazing song. And it has a really pretty music video: perfect for a Monday. So enjoy:
In other news, remember the surprise we told you guys about? Well here it is! The fabulous blog The Upside of Wonder runs a feature you all probably know about called Hello, Blogosphere. Well a few months back Blythe and I filled out an application, sent it off, and crossed out fingers! And on Friday we were featured! Thank you so much Amanda! This was so amazing and wonderful! We're so honored!
All the blogs she's featured are amazing, so scurry on over there and check them out! And welcome welcome if you've found our blog through the feature. We're happy to have you and thankful for all our readers!

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-Blythe and Charlotte