Sunday, December 18, 2011

Not December

Orange Shirt: Aeropostale/ Jeans: Gap/ Lace Top and Hat: UO/ Shoes: Amazon/ Scarf: Gift

This is one of the outfits that I wore to school, but only was able to take pictures of now. Since I did wear it to school, I didn't wear the hat originally, but decided to include it. I wasn't sure at first. I thought it might be too much color and distract from the orange/turquoise combination, which I really liked, but decided to try it. I'm so glad I added it now! I think it really adds what was missing to this outfit. I have to say, though, this outfit is a bit more fall-ish that I feel like I should be dressing at this point, but I just liked it too much not to wear it. I am having a hard time getting into the holiday spirit. While it is December, the leaves only really fell Thursday night or so. Pretty recently, and it's still often warm outside. It feels like Christmas shouldn't be for another two months or so! But that's what happens every year. Getting the Christmas tree up (yeah we're a bit late on that by American standards--my German mom's still used to putting the tree up on Christmas Eve) and constantly playing holiday music should help, so that's my plan of action! I've even been working on a Christmas playlist on Grooveshark to play throughout the house nonstop to get everyone else in the right mood too! 

Anyway, guest posting starts tomorrow! Are you excited? I definitely am! Not just for the break, (which I'm instilling because I realized this year that I need to include more balance in my life) but because the guest posters are AMAZING! I can't wait to for their posts to be published! I hope you guys love them all as much as I do!



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