Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Around the Corner

Sorry things have been so quiet! Between projects and camera malfunctions, putting together posts has been really difficult. Because of all these factors, I decided to put together an inspiration post for the upcoming transition between winter and spring.
transition inspiration
clockwise: via, via, via, via
Maybe I'm just too eager for winter too be over and warmer temperatures to return, but I've been thinking about outfits including my tank tops non stop. I'm really looking forward to taking a cue from these lovely ladies and put together some more transition-weather appropriate outfits!


P.S. I decided to make this inspiration post a little more visually interesting, and I'll probably look back and cringe and these graphic design skilzz shown here, but I have to say, I'm a little excited that I figured out how to do that circle thing. Kinda. I'm not really sure what I'm doing. 

1 comment:

  1. Your skills are totally not that bad! But I also cringe at my early work on my blog - I think it comes with the territory of blogging and having your style change. haha

    That orange&blue combo one of the Olsen twins is sporting is absolutely smashing!! I definitely want to try my hand at color blocking this spring.


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-Blythe and Charlotte


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